Another aspect of who I am is my love for marketing and my desire to create a thriving online business.

I have had some amazing ups like building a 100,000 like Facebook page organically. Most of those likes came from within the first month of the page existing.

I have also had some devastating lows, like spending $4,000 on pop-under ads. You know. Those ads would be on your screen after you closed out of the browser. I am still not sure why I invested in them. I hated them myself. I am sure I just helped litter the internet up with my silly ads hoping they would click my offer. I figured I would be able to recoup my money easily if only 20 people signed up. I had zero people sign up and thus was out 4K. OUCH!

So today I am trying different things. Still working on learning and experimenting. Hoping to find the right fit and right approach for my laid back yet fun personality. I am hoping to set up things that help others make money and obviously, help myself make money as well.

The internet is a big place, and I am just looking to get my slice of the pie. I guess the word is still out to see if I get there. I am trying to make 2021 the year that things turn the corner for me. I am eternally hopeful and will always do what I can to help others.

Guess we shall see where this ride takes me!

~ Bill

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